One Institute


For the past 18 weeks I have been attending ONE's now survey course which goes by the jaw-breaking title of "An Introduction to Homophile Studies." It is indeed, Just that. In 36 hours we took a whirlwind, but profitable, view of: (hold your breath) – anthropology, sociology, history, biology, psychology, literature, religion, law and philosophy as they pertain to the homophile. (Homophile that's a fancy term for a homosexual who is concerned with more in this life than Just sex. Besides, it's easier to say.)

The survey course is prerequisite to all courses to follow. Starting this fall, Sept. 10, the course will be repeated, but will be lengthened to 36 weeks to provide time for class discussion and quizzes. For those who have taken the survey, or who wish to take it concurrently, there will be given: "The Homophile in History," which starts Sept. 5, and the following semester, Spring 158, "Psychological Theories of Homosexuality." I intend to take both. The fee is nominal; the intellectual rewards are great. Nowhere else in the country can

the homophile find this particular integrated approach to his problem. The program welcomes not only interested homophiles, but all those who seek understanding and knowledge on the subject.


The instructors (four of them) are eager people. of them have imposing degrees from the schools of higher learning; all have imposing degrees from the school of life; all are dedicated to this endeavor.

However, the best introduction to ONE's educational program in general and the survey course in particular is to be found in the "Preface" to the survey course put out by the Education Division for the purpose of orienting the new student. It follows:

"The study of socio-sexual questions, and in parti-